Posted on cohost Sep 8 2023\

've been playing Atelier Sophie 2 and it just clicked how well this worlds rules work for perma inanimate tf scenariosā€¦ Under the cut 'cause I can't talk about this without some spoilers.

Alchemy uses living things in some recipes, bugs, plantsā€¦ but as far as I've seen it only creates ordinary or magical items.
It's a plot point that alchemy can turn someone into an inanimate object housing their soul. That object can be turned into other objects, but turning them human again? If that's possible it's way more complicated, and they haven't figured it out yet.
The type of object is shown to affect the mind as wellā€¦ as a book enjoying being written in and read, and then transferred to a doll to help regain some human memories. Even giving them a doll body that was actually useful and gave them agency took a lot of effort and research. It had to mimic being human much more than a normal doll.
Even as a book they had some motion, able to fly by flapping pages for example. But would be easily overpowered.

If one were to be turned into a sex toy under theses rules, it'd become increasingly difficult to think like a person. You'd want to be used, possibly able to pulsate and flop about a bit on your own but not much else. you could be turned into other things, but what is limited by the skill of the alchemist. And you may lose the ability to communicate you were ever a person, people thinking you're just a neat magic itemā€¦